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Monday, March 14, 2011

Being grateful

I was just checking on my kids and they are all safely tucked into their beds and sound asleep and I was just overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude that we are all safe in our homes tonight. I don't know if you have been watching the news or reading any of the news updates on what has been happening around the world, most specifically Japan, and seeing how much devastation there is now, but I have been and it just makes me so grateful for my family and my children.

There were definitely times today when I would get frustrated with my kids or just wished they would leave me alone for a few minutes, and as I am sitting here thinking about the people in Japan whose children may be dead or missing or whose children are now orphaned all I can feel is a huge amount of humility and am filled with a huge sense of gratitude that I was able to be frustrated with my kids today and that I was also able to sing silly songs for an hour with them and teach J how to spell his name and receive lots and lots of hugs from all of them throughout the day.

I encourage all of you to just take a minute and really appreciate the fact that you know where your kids are right now and that they are safe and alive.

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