Have a question, concern or problem regarding your child's behaviors? Send me an email and I will do a blog post about it! You will always remain anonymous! tkmiller81002@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Autism Awareness Month

This month is autism awareness month and to increase awareness my sister in law did an amazing post on her blog that focuses on the parent's perspective of autism. My sister in law has two boys with autism, both completely different from each other. She is an incredible woman, who has an amazing talent for expressing her love for her children even though they aren't your "normal" children. She inspires me every time I read one of her blog posts and I hope that after you read her post you can be a little more sensitive to those who have children with any type of disability - not just autism! Check out her post here

1 comment:

  1. Kim - Thank you for posting this! We sent it to friends and family. My biggest problem is that my sister-in-law doesn't know how to interact with #2 (who has Autism). She feels so awkward around him that she doesn't speak to him at all. She says that she just feels confused and doesn’t know how to relate to him. Therefore, he is ignored. Sad, but it's the way it is. Thankfully, she's the only one in the family to treat him that way.


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