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Monday, April 18, 2011

Motivational Monday: getting motivated

Man life with a new baby is tiring! My husband is still home and helping out a ton, but waking up in the middle of the night to feed my princess and then getting up and helping my husband with the house and kids is really exhausting. Right now all I want to do is go lay in bed, with a good book, and read until I fall asleep and sleep until it is time to feed N again. But I digress that isn't an option because my hubby took N to the hospital for her PKU test and I am here with my boys, who are my current motivation for staying awake.

As I was thinking about what to blog about today I was thinking about how hard it is to get motivated to do something (clean the house, exercise, etc) and how a lot of times my sheer drive alone pushes me forward, I want to have a clean house, hot bod, well behaved kids, and so in spite of the voice in my head that says; "go back to bed, you deserve it" or worse for me sometimes "it's no big deal to spend all day on the computer, your kids are behaving" I force myself to put the laptop away, to get up and get going and it always amazes me at how once I get going I can keep going and get so much accomplished. Right now it is harder as my body adjusts and recovers from birth, so I learn my limits and focus on my main purpose in life - to be an amazing wife and mom - and it keeps me going.

What motivates you to get up and get going? Do you have an expression you recite to yourself? Do you give yourself mini-breaks? I am genuinely curious about the different ways you stay motivated in life!

1 comment:

  1. For me, I make lists. I love being able to cross things off of the list. I've had to learn how to let it go when I don't get things accomplished, though. That is the hard part. I absolutely take mini-breaks, and often. I think life is imperative with breaks.

    The other thing I do is to prioritize what needs to get done. Would I love to nap each day while my 2 year old does? Sure. But the laundry will never get done if I do. So I make a deal with myself. Watch TV while I'm doing laundry. Rush & put away piles during the commercials. Talk on the phone to friends & family while I clean the kitchen. In fact, if I'm on the phone with someone, 95% of the time, I'm also cleaning. Then, by the time we get off the phone, I've cleaned the bathroom or the kitchen and haven't even realized that the mundane chore has been done.


Please be aware that I reserve the right to delete any comment that I feel is offensive to myself or other readers - we are all trying to be the best we can and we must respect each others opinions. You can disagree just don't be rude.